A Blog Post: Social Justice in a Nutshell
'What is Social Justice and Where Do I Start With Getting Involved?!' by Sue Buckby
Echo Chambers
I’ve had one of those weeks when God has very definitely been on my case- when the same scriptures or thoughts keep cropping up. I’ve also realised this week that, despite my best intentions, I do live in an ‘echo chamber’. I work for Transforming Notts Together- a social justice charity- and attend meetings with other like-minded Christians; I am linked in with Nottingham Citizens on behalf of the church I belong to; my sister-in-law works with modern slavery survivors; my ‘mum’ friends are aware of climate issues; my social media feed is full of people fighting injustice, doing upworthy deeds, and trying to make an impact locally and globally.
This echo chamber serves me very well, and spurs me on to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God (Micah 6v8). However, it also means that, I sometimes get a shock to the system when I meet with people who lack of empathy or understanding around ‘ethical’ issues.
So here is my ‘social justice in a nutshell’ guide:
- Every decision we make has an impact on someone else. Ever wonder how something can be so cheap? Someone, somewhere is paying the true price. Perhaps it’s labourers not receiving a fair price. Or child slaves in the supply chain. Or deforestation. Or chemicals in the water supply. Just because we can’t see the impact doesn’t absolve us from responsibility.
- Trying to make more ‘ethical’ choices can be overwhelming. I’m passionate about encouraging lots of people to make small changes- to decide which social issues are most important to them and start there. With spending decisions https://thegoodshoppingguide.com/ ranks companies on environmental, animal welfare and human rights issues. Pick one and start there?
- If you want more information, generally, on social justice issues, there are three great courses for individuals and churches this Lent. Go to https://transformingnottstogether.org.uk/whats-new/lent-resources to find out more.
- Racial justice: we are not there yet!!! Embrace diversity and celebrate different identities- we are all made in God’s image. Seek out views that are not your own. Listen to understand. Get out of your echo chambers for a while.
Lent Resources
There are lots of resources out there this Lent season to help us understand and reflect on social justice. If you would like to run or attend a course, here are some links that may interest you.
If you want to consider it individually and reflectively, Church House Publishing have some resources specifically aimed at Embracing Justice in this Lenten season.
If you are a church leader, and would like more information about how Transforming Notts Together can help you develop a social justice ministry in your community, please see our Equipping Churches page, or contact us to have an informal chat!
A Quote and a Prayer
To close, a quote and a prayer that I have lifted from Lectio365 resources on Rosa Parks’ day on 4th Feb (you can go back and listen in full):
“As I look back on those days, it’s just like a dream and the only thing that bothered me was that we waited so long to make this protest, and to let it be known that wherever we go, all of us should be free and equal and should have all the opportunities that others should have.” ~Rosa Parks
Lord, I confess that I sometimes allow the enormity of injustice to paralyse me. Guide me as I read, as I shop, as I pray, as I work and as I interact with others. Show me the battles You want me to fight and see Your kingdom com and Your will be done for all people.