Know Your Church, Know Your Neighbourhood

A facilitated 6 month process to give a small group from within a church the chance to reflect on how others view your church, listen to the wider community, celebrate what is good there and gain a deeper understanding of local need.

Know Your Church, Know Your Neighbourhood (KYCKYN) is a facilitated process that was originally designed by the Diocese of Birmingham to help churches think about themselves in relation to the local communities they seek to serve, and make prayerful and informed decisions about their mission in those communities.

The process gives a small group of church members the tools to reflect on how their church is seen by others, to listen to the wider community, celebrate its strengths and have a deeper understanding of its needs. Sharing their findings with the wider congregation, the church is then able to make prayerful and intentional decisions about how it wants to respond.

The course is adaptable to the needs of a church and neighbourhood, but it usually consists of seven sessions of two hours, delivered over a six month period. There are also some tasks for the group to do in between these sessions.

Although we recommend doing this full length course, we do also offer a one off or series of 2 sessions called Getting Started in Your Community- you can find out more about those using our contact page.
Get in touch if you'd like to have a conversation with us to explore this further.

Feedback from Getting Started in Your Community:
"Thank you both so much for coming to St Aidan’s church last week. It was a really encouraging evening and an important part of our journey along the way God is leading us. God bless you both and thank you again." Christine
Workshop TNT


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  • Explore how your church can engage with the work of TNT
  • Volunteer your time and energy
  • Donate your money either with a regular or one-off gift
  • Pray regularly for our most deprived communities, for all those seeking to support and transform them
  • Sign up for the newsletter on the form below to stay informed