What's Next for Places of Welcome/Warm Welcome Spaces?

For all welcome spaces, including drop-in cafes, community hubs, community meals and more.
13th Feb, 1-5pm at Cathedral Hall, College Street, Nottingham NG1 5AU
In recent years there has been growing recognition of the value of local community initiatives that provide welcome and inclusion for many. They help overcome loneliness, positively impact physical and mental health, support families and help local communities thrive.
For the first time Places of Welcome (overseen by the Church Urban Fund) and Warm Welcome Spaces (led by the Good Faith Partnership) are coming together to encourage these vital community projects to keep going and to develop in order to make a bigger difference for their neighbourhoods.
We're involving key contributors involved with health and social services, including the Integrated Care Board and Family Hubs. We're also offering the opportunity to explore how faith can be the beating heart for welcome spaces, whilst also looking at how we include everybody from all backgrounds.
We especially want to invite people involved in these kinds of spaces to come and share your stories to encourage and inspire others. If this is you, please do get in touch, we really want to make sure that more people get to hear about your welcome project.
Key Contributors:
David Barclay, Warm Welcome Spaces Campaign Director, Partner Good Faith Partnership
Nigel Adams, Places of Welcome Co-ordinator for Notts, Network & Development Consultant Transforming Notts Together
Ian Soars & Catherine Barker, Spurgeons Children's Charity:
Adam Baker, Refugee Roots
Ruth Rice, Renew Wellbeing
Simon Cartwright, Chief Officer Transforming Notts Together
Louise Redhead, Place Based Partnerships