Welcome Jemma!

This week we welcomed Jemma Baldry as the new Development Worker for the Wayfinder Project...

Jemma has commenced a 3 year post with TNT this week, heading up the new Wayfinder Project, which has been funded by the Benefact Trust. As the first Development Worker to start in this role, she will be helping shape the project from the very start, with support from our friends at the Church Urban Fund. Jemma has slotted into the TNT team like a long lost friend and we're really thrilled to have her on board!
The Programme
Wayfinder is a volunteer-led homelessness prevention programme launching in Summer 2022, specifically designed to help people in insecure housing or at risk of homelessness to move forward in life.
The programme will initially be delivered through TNT in Nottingham, and partners in Manchester and one further partner, with hopes to expand to additional locations at a later stage. It aims to support clients with low and mid-level needs who would benefit from support from Volunteer community mentors providing both emotional and practical support. The aim will be to help clients overcome social isolation and related barriers to tenancy sustainment by building long-term relationships, connecting people with activities and opportunities in their community and providing practical support through the ups and downs of recovery from homelessness or insecure housing. Volunteers will tailor their support to the unique needs of each individual, working alongside other existing local provision and services for holistic support.