We have a brand new course: Budgeting for Youth!
We are now offering Cash Smart Credit Savvy YOUTH! A 1-hour online introduction to budgeting. Book your session now!
We are now offering Cash Smart Credit Savvy YOUTH! A 1-hour online introduction to budgeting.
The content has been adapted from the highly evaluated Just Finance Foundation's Cash Smart Credit Savvy course, this version is suited for a younger audience, between the ages of 14 and 19. It is designed to be delivered interactively and online.

Many young people in Notts do not understand the basics of budgeting, and as they transition into work or higher education many fall into unhealthy spending habits, which can quickly snowball into debt. We, at Transforming Notts Together, want to equip young people to live lives that are financially secure and reslient.
From today you can book a Cash Smart Credit Savvy Youth session with TNT team member Lauren. The training session will be delivered via zoom and will feature interactive tasks, challenges and games.
In the 60 minute session we will cover: - Savvy Spending - how to spend well and save money while spending- Building a Budget - what does a budget do, how do we make a budget, how do we find savings in a budget
We can also work with you to create some resources to equip you to have a follow up sessions and conversations.

We'd love to run this session with you and your youth group. If you like to find out more info please do email Lauren at: lauren.simpson@transformingnottstogether.org.uk
Thank You!