Update from Christian Aid
Some updates and opportunities from Christian Aid that might be of interest...
COP26 Breakfast Briefings for Church Leaders
In the lead up to COP26, we are hosting a short series of breakfast briefings to help church leaders grapple with the key issues and consider the role they can play. The sessions are led by CA staff and partners.
28th September 8.30am – 9.30am: ‘I’m a church leader - what’s COP got to do with me?’
26th October 8.30am - 9.30am: Voices from the global church – how our sisters and brothers are responding
Church leaders can sign up at: https://www.christianaid.org.uk/get-involved/events/cop26-breakfast-briefings
COP26 Prayer Boats
To engage churches we are asking people to make a prayer boat. The climate crisis is a storm we all face, but we’re not all in the same boat.
Display the boats in your church, or take a photo and send it to your MP.
Once displayed, send your boats to PO Box 100, London SE1 7RT. (Ensure they arrive by 15 October).
Thousands of boats from across the country will come together in a special installation at COP26 to deliver your prayers and messages to world leaders.
Afghanistan update
The situation in Afghanistan has led to a mass migration of the population as they seek safety and refuge. Through our current Global Hunger Emergency Appeal and the support of our local partners, we have been able to offer some relief so far - but more will be needed.
Already this year, approximately 550,000 people have become displaced, in addition to the 2.9 million Afghans already internally displaced at the end of 2020, as a result of decades of conflict.
Support the Afghan people through Giving
Support the Afghan people through Campaigning
Support the Afghan people through Prayer

Haiti Update
On Saturday 14 August, a 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck Haiti. On Tuesday 16 August, Tropical Storm Grace, flash floods and mudslides have now caused further devastation on the island.
To date the earthquake has claimed more than 2,200 lives, injured almost 12,000 people and destroyed 130,000 homes. Families are seeking safety wherever they can with nothing but the clothes on their backs.
Watch this interview
with Christian Aid’s Michael Mosselmans, Head of the Humanitarian Division to get an insight into the appalling situation and how C.A. is responding.

At Christmas, we have lots of choices to make. Some might be difficult, but few will compare to the impossible choices some Mums face in South Sudan.
Do I give my child dirty water or no water?
No mum should have to face this impossible choice.
Adut was forced to give her children dirty water. She knew it wasn’t safe, but she had no choice. Not anymore. Adut now has access to a borehole installed by Christian Aid near her home. That means clean water for her children to drink and peace of mind for a loving mum. ‘Now we get water from the hand pump. We don’t send our children to the river,’ Adut said. ‘The water from the hand pump is very good. It’s disease free. We drink it with peace of mind.’
Your gifts this Christmas could help build more boreholes, provide seeds and farming tools, and give mums the chance to set up a small business.
To date the project has helped almost 32,000 people access safe drinking water and provided some 1,900 households with farming support.
How can you get involved? (Anytime in Advent)
- Hold a service / show the video / Book a speaker / Take a collection
- Do some Carol singing to raise money.