Spotlight On...Hope Nottingham
We rejoice with Hope Nottingham as they celebrate 10 years of serving Nottingham- and look forward to the next 10 years!
Small Beginnings to Holistic Communities
From small beginnings Hope Nottingham was established in 2010 aiming to enable Christians to work in unity with each other and the wider community for the benefit of those in need in local communities all around Nottingham. It began with the launch of Hope House, previously Boundary Rd United Reformed Church, established as a holistic community hub building on the previous work of the Parish Pantry- a soup kitchen founded in Beeston by Canon Brian Barrodale.
By God’s Grace, Hope’s work of unity and service has spread all over Nottingham, with 15 local foodbanks established by 2014. There has been an ongoing vision to see each of those foodbanks develop to provide holistic, supportive communities sharing God’s love in each neighbourhood. It has been a real joy to see each one grow and mature.

Not Just Foodbanks
In response to the furlough scheme winding down, we anticipate a rise in numbers of people seeking help with job searching, updating CVs, completing applications and applying for Universal Credit.
Therefore, we are pleased to say we have restarted our Job Club at Hope House which is now running on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings on an appointment system only. Guests will be able to book either one or two hour appointments according to need. Referrals can be made via the local job centre or by ringing for an appointment on 0303 040 1110.
In addition, we have been able to respond to the current restrictions around meeting indoors by restarting our literacy classes in our outdoor classroom on the Hope Allotment. The Hope House literacy group is making the most of enjoying developing their literacy skills in the new setting—at least until the weather gets cooler!

Foodbank Donations Going Forward...
After months of being Church in our communities in very different ways, many are now looking at how we move forward over the coming weeks and months.
Since March, the Foodbank system has worked in very different ways as the opportunities for people to donate food have been restricted and most of the Foodbanks have had to curtail opening and deliveries have been the norm.
We would like to see things change over the next weeks and months with donations of food returning to the previous patterns and Food Parcels being given in response to Vouchers issued by referral agencies for those in immediate financial need. Many of the food donation points have been in Churches and we are encouraging their resumption where it is practical and safe and maybe to encourage others to introduce if possible. Food can then be delivered into the Foodbanks sites when they are open, and we can provide details and we can where delivery is not possible arrange collection.
A Note of Thanks
As ever, we are so grateful for your continued generosity in supporting the work of Hope Nottingham and helping those in need across Nottingham. We try our best to thank all those who donate or fundraise for us, but we would also like to offer our thanks to all those who have donated anonymously through online giving sites or who have donated via supermarket donation points. Your support, generosity and prayers are hugely appreciated.
Excerpts taken with permission from the July/ August Hope Nottingham Newsletter