Nottinghamshire Housing For All Summit: How Can I Be Part of the Solution?
On Thursday 24th February, we are hosting session 1 of 3 thinking about how we (churches and individuals) can respond to the growing needs around housing and homelessness in Notts...
About This Event
Aims of Session 1-to understand what is homelessness, who are homeless and why.-impact on individuals and communities - inc. institutional racism-what is needed?-what can you do?
Henri Baptiste (Pathway Housing Solutions) will bring a presentation around what are the issues especially from a Black and Asian heritage perspective in Nottinghamshire and the consequences of this.
Liam O' Boyle (Diocese of Southwell and Notts) will share a summary of The Coming Home Report (Church of England)- what was so key about it in terms of what is good housing and how it can be provided?
This will be followed by a time in breakout rooms considering what has stood out, how aware people were over the issues, and how does it relate to it where they live etc
We will then hear from other local charities and individuals involved in housing provision- including Hope Into Action, a local landlord, and community led housing.
We will conclude with a time for questions.
Proposed dates for following Housing Summits:
Part 2: Housing Support (Tuesday 22nd March, 7-9pm)
Part 3: Housing Impact (TBC May, 7-9pm)