*NEW* Mental Health Subgroup
For kingdom minded Christians involved in mental health support in Nottinghamshire...
An invitation...
"I am really pleased to say that we now have a date for the first Mental Health subgroup, as part of Christian Action Nottingham (CAN). CAN is a large network across the city of Nottingham that brings together churches and Christian organisations that are actively engaged in social justice. As part of this, we currently have 8 themed subgroups covering areas like refugees, prison work, homelessness etc, that seek to gather and engage smaller groups for partnership working and encouragement. The subgroups are a great platform to also draw in civic or voluntary sector partners, and also people from further across the county, who are working in a particular area of justice to build networks and collaboration. The mental health group will be subgroup 9!
If you are someone who is involved in Kingdom work in the area of mental health, I would like to invite you to Unity House, Church Street, Lenton, NG7 2FF (Next to Holy Trinity Church, Lenton) on Tuesday 15th November from 10am-11.30am to meet with others, pray together, hear about some of the fantastic things God is doing through His Church in Nottinghamshire. Our hope is that this group will grow and flourish as more people open up groups, initiatives, or take the next step on the journey of walking with those in our churches and communities who need a safe space to come as they are.
Tea/ coffee/ biscuits will be provided. There is a small car park next to Unity House, or parking is free on the road for 3 hours. Please do let me know if you are thinking of coming, and do pass this onto others who you know are also engaged in mental health ministries or are looking to be. My current thoughts are around alternating an in person and an online meet up to allow for many people to be a part of this venture. But part of the 15th will be thinking about how and when we can best meet together to build unity and bring others along on this journey.
I am humbly hoping that we can encourage and support each other, and gather with others who want to be a light in their communities, whichever banner or organisation that you may be working under to provide that hope."
Sue Buckby (she/her)
Operations Lead & Mental Health Development Worker
T: 07518 949243