Mental Wellbeing Resources
A Guide to Wellbeing Resources in Response to Covid-19
At times like this, it is important to respond to needs that arise. At Transforming Notts Together, we have worked with partners to produce a guide of resources to aid mental wellbeing. It is by no means an exhaustive list. Some of the resources have been written specifically in response to Covid-19. Many are general principles to help mental health at any time. Some resources are faith-based and address the spiritual component of wellbeing, others are more generic. These resources are not solely for the use of those with mental illhealth, but to support the wellbeing of mental health in its wholeness.
Please note- we are not mental health professionals and, although we have chosen resources from well known organisations, we would advocate contacting your GP as a first port of call if you are struggling with mental illhealth, or the new Countywide 24/7mental health helpline which is is 0300 303 0165.

Government Guidance
This guide from the Government, in conjunction with the NHS, contains practical ways to support your mental health at this time. The suggestions are in line with current guidelines around social distancing to protect yourself and others. Within the main document there are links to support helplines, guidance for supporting children and young people, as well as practical signposting for those who are self-isolating or are struggling financially at this time.

Suicide Help
If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, The Tomorrow Project is a confidential suicide prevention project that has been set up to support individuals and communities to prevent suicide. Suicide is a decision that someone makes to end their life when they feel overwhelmed by their circumstances, when the struggles they face seem too difficult or painful or they have run out of options.
The Tomorrow Project offers support to those in suicide crisis. It is:
- direct access
- a primary care service
- open to all ages
- a short term service offering emotional and practical support
- continuing to offer both face to face and remote sessions
- operating in Nottinghamshire
Accepting self and agency referrals – all responded to within 1 working day
Referral line: 0115 880 0282 – please note, we ask that a voice message be left and a member of the team will respond within 1 working day.
A Faith Response
The Church of England have put together some excellent resources to navigate through these difficult times.
This guide entitled 'Supporting Good Mental Health' presents 13 daily reflections to provide comfort, reassurance and hope.
In addition, they have produced a resource specifically aimed at Clergy, or those in a leadership position, to help maintain personal wellbeing whilst supporting so many others through these turbulent times.

Positive Pinboard
If media coverage of Coronavirus is overwhelming, why not create your very own positive pinboard? Positive memes or quotes can be very powerful in focusing the mind away from anxiety triggers, to things that bring you joy. Action for Happiness have helpful tips on their website, including active coping calendars and 10 keys to happier living. If you are a visual person, pin up pictures that make you happy. If music moves you, maybe create a happy playlist on a music platform that will motivate and inspire. Perhaps baking or crafting makes you happy. How about dusting off the recipe books or linking up with a local project to knit, crochet or stitch for those in need?
Preparing for Post-Lockdown
At this stage, no-one knows what post-lockdown will look like, or how the UK will go about lifting restrictions currently in place. Anecdotally, there are reports that the isolation of lockdown is causing a downturn in mental wellbeing. If this is the case, it is important that we are as equipped as possible to support people not just during the pandemic, but as we begin to re-establish 'normality' after the lockdown is lifted.
As we move forward, we hope to work with partners and churches to signpost to resources that help welcome the most vulnerable into Places of Welcome and communities as we emerge. For now, please find below links to free online training around supporting people with mental health. If we, as leaders, volunteers, neighbours and relations, seek to equip ourselves with knowledge and compassion in this season of lockdown, then we will be better placed to help piece back together the fabric of society as we come through the other side.
Lifting the Lid (Faith and Mental Health- 6 part course)
Together for Good (A Community Approach to Wellbeing)
Sanctuary Ministries (MH Ministries- free 8 week Sanctuary Course until 31st May 2020)
Renew Wellbeing (currently free resources)
MIND Training for Small Workplaces