Introducing Paul!
A number of people have joined the TNT team in the last couple of months, here is an interview with Paul Howard who has joined with a focus on older people. Read on to find out more about him...

Welcome to the Transforming Notts Together team Paul! What is your new role?
My name is Paul Howard and I am the new Older People in Church Enabler for Transforming Notts Together
What are you passionate about?
I am interested in how groups are supporting their older members and especially the people suffering with dementia. I am also very interested in how our faith group members who have dementia and their carers are coping and being supported in this time of social isolation.
What would you like us to think about?
In these days of lockdown, social isolation and social distancing spare a thought for people who are in the grips of dementia. Many of them cannot understand why they cannot go to the shops or visit friends and family. People who look after family members especially could be going through some tough times and the feeling of isolation is ever greater when you have had the same conversation 20 times today and no prospect of any other social contact.
What resources or organisations are out there to help?
The Alzheimer’s Society are working hard to link people up through their chat rooms and advise lines. They even have advice on feeling lonely and when is it okay to lie to somebody with dementia and have produced five online activity ideas for people living with dementia.
We all seem to have spare time at the moment so why not download the This is Me Leaflet from The Alzheimer’s Society and fill it in on behalf of your loved one. We know that Coronavirus could pose a significant risk for people living with Dementia, so this document could be of great help to health care workers if they have to go into hospital with Covid 19. The This Is Me Leaflet helps the person to communicate personal details about themselves, things like family, religion, interests, jobs, achievements, places where they have lived, things that they need help with, medication and even what they like to eat and drink. There is also to put a photograph of the person.
It is important to remember that many people who I work (older people and/or people living with dementia) with are not computer users. Unfortunately this means they cannot access these great resources. I was emailing a friend this week who told me that their church are sending out an old fashioned news sheet to their older people so they can stay in touch with what’s happening locally.
Do you have any questions for us?
Have you come across any problems with people who cannot understand why they must stay at home? If you have what you did about it? And can I share these stories with others who may be struggling with the same concerns?
I am happy to share my experience of working with older people with and without dementia if you want to talk about it. My telephone number is 07827291725 and my email address is I am working from home during this lock down time, if you would prefer to write letters do call me and I can give you my address.
When we do come out of this worrying time which we will with God’s help, then keep an eye out for Dementia awareness sessions which we will be holding as soon as we can.
To find out more about The Alzheimer’s Society visit their website or call 03331503456.