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Community Grants

There are a number of initiatives emerging to support people and charities with the rising cost of living...

National Grid Electricity Distribution

National Grid Electricity Distribution is calling on charities, councils and community groups small and large across its four regions, to apply for grants of up to £10,000 to support people who need extra help this winter.

In addition to providing grants, a bank of energy saving advice and resources will be available for groups to adapt and use within their communities, offering an extra layer of support.

The fund is open to all non-profit and statutory organisations, big and small, based in these locations who are supporting households experiencing fuel poverty.

You can check if your organisation is in an eligible region by entering your postcode here.

The programme is now live and accepting applications until midnight on Monday, October 31st 2022. All applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application by Tuesday, 15th November 2022.

All projects must be completed and the funding must be spent by 31st March 2023.


Asda Foundation

Asda Foundation Offers Cost of Living Grant to Local Groups Across the UK

Asda Foundation’s new Cost of Living Grant will provide grants of between £500 and £2,000 for activities taking place before 28 February 2023.

The funding is intended for local not-for-profit community groups who are facing an:

  • Increase in rent/utility bills: support to keep community buildings open to the public or increase opening times to help people stay warm (known as ‘warm banks’).
  • Increase in food costs: support for people most affected by providing meals, support community cafes, food parcels, delivered meals, soup kitchens, etc.

The Asda superstores each have a Community Champion whose role is to support groups and projects within the community, as well as manage Asda Foundation grant applications.

Groups must contact their local Asda Community Champion to discuss their proposed project. If the group and the project are eligible, the Community Champion will provide an application form. Please note, applications cannot be made directly to the Asda Foundation. They must be submitted to the Asda Community Champion who will sign and submit it to the Foundation.

Applications will be accepted by Asda Community Champions the week commencing 19 September 2022 until the budget cap is reached (estimated to be February 2023)
