TNT Vision, Mission and Values 2021
As a staff and trustee team, we have recently invested some time into digging deeper into our why, what and how? Here are our Vision, Mission and Values going forward...
Vision Statement:
Our vision statement describes the future we desire for our fellow human beings. The vision is idealistic and TNT recognise that we are only one organisation of many who are contributing towards this aim. Our vision is for:
A society free from poverty and isolation where people are able to thrive.
Mission Statement:
Our mission statement describes our contribution to making the vision a reality.
TNT build relationships with churches across Nottinghamshire and inspires, equips and connects them as they help people break free from poverty and isolation arising from injustice and inequality. We achieve this by:
- Inspiring churches to engage with communities by bringing to life how injustice and inequality impacts on people.
- Equipping and partnering with churches, enhancing and developing their skills and resources so they can make a greater difference locally.
- Connecting churches and Christian organisations by co-ordinating networks and promoting wider collaborative working.
Value Statements:
Our Christian faith underpins TNT’s values and how we behave as an organisation and as individuals. The staff and volunteer team seek to model these values and behaviours to each other, to those we work with, and to wider society.
Our faith leads us to prioritise working through the local church because we believe in the radical calling of God upon the church to share the love of God to those around us, including practical help, emotional support and fellowship.