
Faith Action Support Ashfield

Faith Action Support Ashfield (FASA) is for Christian leaders of churches or projects involved in social action.

For the last few years, TNT has met with various people leading churches or projects in and around Ashfield. Last year the opportunity came up to initiate a network to gather those people together and so Faith Action Support Ashfield was launched.

Below are some of the people who are currently partnering with us. We are currently collating information about all the projects involved to demonstrate the huge amount that churches in Ashfield are doing in their local areas. If you would like to find out more and explore joining us, get in touch with Julia Terry.

There is already so much happening that we hope to also have sub groups covering specific areas where other or non-faith members could be included.

New Cross

New Cross Community Church

New Cross Community Church is an local Ecumenical Partnership between the Methodist Church in Britain and the Church of England, in the parish of St. Michael and All Angels. We serve the community through various groups and organisations. We have various styles of worship from the more traditional to informal and relaxed.

Website Facebook


Ashwood Church

Welcome to Ashwood Church! We are a lively, informal growing Church with people from a wide variety of backgrounds who are seeking to love, serve and follow Jesus Christ. We aim to be a Church that is friendly and accessible for the whole family. Whatever your background, race, colour or history – we want you to know that you are welcome here!

Website Facebook


St Michael's Underwood and St James Brinsley

Together, St Michael's Underwood and St James Brinsley serve the communities of Brinsley, Underwood and Bagthorpe.


Salvation Army- Kirkby in Ashfield

The Salvation Army in Kirkby in Ashfield is based on the Coxmoor estate where it is engaged in children's and Community work in support of those living on the estate.



The Parish of Skegby

We are three churches working together just north of Sutton Town Centre celebrating and sharing God’s love in our community. Stanton Hill has a charity shop (The Vine Tree) on the High Street staffed largely by church volunteers and with a strong agenda for supporting local residents and community initiatives. In normal times we have: Coffee, cake and chat, a weekly preschool group and a youth group. Since Sept we have been back open for Sunday worship with safety much in mind. We are doing some things on-line (home groups, youth group, prayer times, etc) to keep in touch with each other and to alleviate isolation.

Email Website Facebook

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Caritas is the new network for social action, justice, peace and care for creation in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nottingham.

Website E-bulletin Twitter


Salvation Army- Sutton in Ashfield

We are a Christian church with a particular concern for the marginalised. We exist to save souls, make disciples and serve suffering humanity.

Email Facebook Website

Faith Action FB

Ashfield Church Noticeboard

A Facebook group for churches and Christians in Ashfield to share news and events to see God's Kingdom Come
