Places of Welcome

TNT is pleased to work with the national Places Of Welcome Network as the Notts Area Coordinator. It is a growing network of local community groups providing their neighbourhoods with places where all people feel safe to belong, connect and contribute.

There are 86 places of Welcome (PWs) in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire (700 plus nationally). These are open once a week at a regular time, ready to welcome the local community in for friendship and a cuppa.
Places of Welcome can be in any location including churches, mosques, temples, community centres, libraries or housing associations.
Places of Welcome have the potential to be a great access point for people in our communities to receive signposting support onto other services that may be able to meet any needs they have.

An accessible and hospitable building, open at the same time every week.

Open to everyone regardless of their circumstances or situation, and staffed by volunteers.

A place where people actively listen to one another.

Offering free refreshments (at least a cup of tea and a biscuit) and basic local information.

Every person will bring talents, experiences and skills that they may be willing to share locally.
Setting up a Place of Welcome
If you are looking to start a Place of Welcome in your local community, the Places of Welcome website has all the information you need on how to sign up and join the network.
How does TNT support Places of Welcome across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire?
Transforming Notts Together can offer support to existing projects who would like to explore joining the Places of Welcome network, or community spaces wishing to set one up. Several established Places of Welcome have recently begun exploring how they can further support the local community by becoming a Community Hub. Transforming Notts Together are able to assist throughout this transition.
Please get in touch if you would like to know more.